The filter is responsable for retaining all impurities and foreign particles that can waer the parts, which are floating in the lubricant (such as small combustión residues or small metal fragments resulting from the friction of the internal components).
It’s a cartridge that hides diffrent layers of porous elements, through wich the lubricant passes to be filtered. If it’s in good condition, it retains more tan 97% of particles, very small, between 10 and 40 microns in size (a hair is about 60 microns thick, to give you an idea of how small they can be).
If the filter is in bad condition, these elements are circulating through the engine, the mechanics will reduce its performance, which will also spend more fuel and will see useful life reduced.
Maintaining your car is always a wise decisión, as it will allow you to enjoy it for much longer. When it comes to oil filters, this is no exception. That’s why changing the oil filters when it’s time will help you keep your engine running at its best for a longer time.
Always follow the manufacture’s instructions in the car’s manual. As a general rule, the useful life of an oil filter is around 10,000 km and it is advisable to replace it every time the vehicle’s oil is changed, to prevent the acumulated residues from filtering into the new oil.
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